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(Small Group Workshop) Intro to Self Attunement: Connecting to the Sanctuary Within

Imagine having the tools to access feelings of peace, calm, freedom, connectedness, support, security, and nourishment no matter where you are or what you’re doing – at home, at work, at the DMV, doctor’s office….. 

Well, you actually don’t have to imagine, because that’s what we will be (re)visiting in this small group workshop!


Self Attunement Class:

Connecting to the Sanctuary Within


Thursday, 12/28, from 5-6:30 PM PST

(Click here to secure your seat!)

What's on the Agenda?

In this class, we’re going to be slowing WAY down, and taking our sweet time to remember the wisdom our subconscious shares when we give it space to be with each tool.

Once we learn a certain tool or practice that is effective for us, it’s easy to begin to cut corners as we go about our regular practices. This is a natural byproduct of hustle culture ("hurry up and give me my results!!!").

However, when this patterning inevitably bleeds into our personal growth practice, it can cause us to miss a WEALTH of sensory and somatic information. What wisdom will you find by slowing down?


Here are some of the tools we’ll be working with: 

  • The Classic ‘Self Attunement’ Sequence: We'll explore different somatic identifiers, both physical and psychic, to deepen your connection with yourself.

  • The ‘Anchoring’ Sequence: A powerful practice to ground and center yourself through in any situation.

  • Orienting with the ‘Exteroception Serpentine’: My personal spin on the “Orienting” exercise from Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing (And yes, I'm still open to name suggestions on this one…. 😂)

  • And more!

If you’ve worked with me 1:1, you are likely familiar with at least a few of these tools already. But, what kind of magic and wisdom is available when we slow down with something we think we’re familiar with, and give it the opportunity to offer us something new? Pure magic, I tell you! 

These tools are designed to help you step out of disempowering narratives tied to somatic imprints and guide you back into your body.

They're also incredibly wonderful for tuning into active emotional energy, softening emotional blocks, and tapping into resources from your higher self or higher power, and amplifying your natural intuition.

This is the good stuff that readies you for a deep and powerful shadow work practice.


Want in?

Get your tickets here

(Current Clients on a package: email or shoot me a DM or text to secure your complimentary seat!)